Thing In The Morning
Lieutenant asks if he wants a smoke but the man acts like he don’t
understand or nothin’, him in a kinda daze and all. Lieutenant then puts two
fingers together like a gun to his mustachioed lips and blows wildly into the
air like he’s blowin’ out birthday candles and some of the boys snicker. The
fella’ just stands there lookin’ over the Lieutenant’s shoulder, staring at us
shivering in the cold, searching our faces as if he knows some of us but I
guess he don’t. Christ, it’s cold as hell and all I want is to get back to my
tent for some hot food and blankets. That fella’ don’t seem to be shivering at
all though he should be; don’t know what he done but it must have been bad to
deserve this. The sun’s on the ridge and I’m thinkin’, get that goddamn blindfold
tied so we kin get on with it.
Paul de Denus
publishes excerpts from the novels he’s never written. That was one of them. He
lives in Florida with his wife and son.
Whew. Chill here. On my bare arms.