November 10, 2010

Nana Ollerenshaw


Waves calve the sand
like polar cliffs.
A man and his son
are waist high
bearing the brunt,
their towels limp on the fence.
Something has brought them here
some wish to be part of wildness
and early morning
allowing the surge to knock them
stun them with its force.
They are alone,
the monotony of being safe,
the comforts and habits of home,
well meaning advice,
It doesn't matter that the boy's togs have torn,
that he is shivering
that his dad's late for work
or if they catch a cold.
They are together in mountains of water,
more alive than anyone.


Nana Ollerenshaw grew up in Connecticut, married an Australian, and moved to Australia in 1965. She changed from school teaching to nursing in 1988, and currently lives in Buderim on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland.

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