November 22, 2010

Gary Presley

—Photo by Gary Presley, 2010
Debbie Drives Home

Cars are novels.

Little metal encapsulated novels.

Sex, drugs, rock-and-roll, babies, toddlers, kids, workers and wanderers, mothers, fathers, teenyboppers.

iPoded beyond conversation, DVDs dug out and CDs rattling from the ceiling, cell-phone stories, GPS pointing, a beer between legs, wrappers on the floor, dust on the dashboard, tears on the seat.

Beat me, screw you, overdrawn checking account, kid smokin' dope, one wanting-stealing birth control pills, codeine and vodka, one gay-for-fun experimenting creep.

Not sure what's for dinner, not sure it matters, pizza, Chinese, breasts sagging, veins blue, never looks, not at me, no more, more Valium or Xanax, more mix and match, more Vicodin and vodka and sleep.

Cars are novels.

So many stories rollin' past, rollin' fast, rollin' into another story.


Gary Presley's memoir, SEVEN WHEELCHAIRS: A Life beyond Polio, was published in October 2008 by the University of Iowa Press. Find links to his other work at

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