June 18, 2010

Nancy Calhoun


We took a table in a small café
some would describe as graceless.
Not much ambiance, not much class.

The neon beer sign over the bar
glowed a garish pink and piped-in
cowboy guitar played too loud.

We ordered wine and looked around
where a few other couples
were silhouetted in the dim light.

Neither the wine nor the meal was memorable
but as we waited for dessert,
you took my hand.

Not being one for public displays,
I knew you hoped no one noticed,
but I, loving your touch,

knew that every couple
in this charmless little place
wished that they were us.

—From Sip Wine, Drink Stars


After several years as a business executive, opera singer, and general seeker-after-enlightenment, Nancy Calhoun has found her calling as a poet. Her first collection is entitled Sip Wine, Drink Stars and is available here, along with more about her and her work. Nancy lives in southeast Arizona’s wine country, and writes beside a panoramic view of mountains, grasslands and wildlife.

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