Just Listen
What do I need from you, you ask?
How can I help?
You can do so much,
but nothing much;
nothing much, but it is everything.
No strategies, theories and please,
no solutions.
Just listen. Just listen.
why would you think you know
what I should do in a life
you have never lived?
My solution is within me,
we both know that.
What I need from you is
your full attention
so that I might hear
my own answers,
in my own voice.
If you always have a plan,
and always know what decisions
I should make,
I will have to
stop asking
you for help.
—From Sip Wine, Drink Stars
After several years as a business executive, opera singer, and general seeker-after-enlightenment, Nancy Calhoun has found her calling as a poet. Her first collection is entitled Sip Wine, Drink Stars and is available here, along with more about her and her work. Nancy lives in southeast Arizona’s wine country, and writes beside a panoramic view of mountains, grasslands and wildlife.
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